Dynamics Experience is the largest annual congress of CraniumConnect for end customers of Microsoft Business Applications and Adobe Experience Cloud. On November 21, 2019 we welcome you at Theatre “De Meervaart” in Amsterdam! The main theme of this edition will be “Future Ready. Now ”
Many organizations have digital transformation as a priority on their strategic agenda. However, research conduced by Gartner shows that only 11% actually achieve their goals. Who are these companies and why are they successful in establishing a digital organization that is “future-ready”?
During the keynote you will get to know the stories of customers who have been successfully transformed into a “future-ready” organization, such as Bühler, Royal HaskoningDHV and ABÉO Group. In addition to these inspiring and authentic customer stories (both national and international), we offer more than 30 sessions in the afternoon in the areas of Customer Experience (CX), DataScience, migration, talent and education (higher education), Microsoft Dynamics365, PowerBI, Adobe Experience Cloud and Marketo.
Scroll down to check out the full program.
Programme 2019
Morning Programme
9:30 - 9:40
Opening by the chairman
Speakers: Jay Ramsanjhal & Carl Padberg
Welcome by the chairman of DynamicsHUB and CraniumConnect.
9:40 - 10:05
Keynote: Innovation as a strategic driver | Bühler Group
Speakers: Paul D. McKeithan
Company: Bühler
Our renowned speaker for New York, Paul McKeithan, shares the extraordinary digital success story of Bühler on how they have become a market leader by deploying digital services in the value chain of their customers. This impressive family business is responsible for daily feeding over 2 billion people. What makes Paul's story remarkable? Paul states that he knows less about digital, but more about his customers.
10:05 - 10:25
Keynote: Talent in a tight labor market | The Adecco Group & Adecco Group Solutions
Speakers: Dave Harwood & Sandeep Bhandal
Company: The Adecco Group
Dave and Sandeep will share their vision on one of the most critical assets: personnel. Today, a future-ready organization also excels in attracting and nurturing talent. What are the biggest challenges customers of Adecco Group face today? And what is Adecco Group's vision on this? Exclusively during Dynamics Experience, they will share one of their newest developments in the Benelux.
10:25 - 10:40
Keynote: The strategic value of real-time customer profiles | Adobe
Speakers: Sanne Erven
Company: Adobe
Sanne Erven, Team Lead Digital Transformation at Adobe will share her vision and experience about the growing importance of customer experience within organizations and the increasing need to organize their customer journey in a smarter way. She will also zoom in on future-ready companies that recognize the strategic importance of personalized and relevant customer experiences based on real-time customer profiles.
10:40 - 10:55
Keynote: Optimal customer experience with Field Service Mobility | ABÉO Group
Speakers: Mike Risseeuw
Company: ABÉO
Mike Risseeuw, Service Manager at the French / Dutch ABÉO Group shares his vision on how embracing digital change, field service technology, business process optimization and securing governance has contributed to better customer experience and satisfaction. Learn how this global leader in sports equipment and official Olympic games supplier has established a vision to become future-ready.
10:55 - 11:15
Keynote: Intensive customer relationship through data | Royal HaskoningDHV
Speakers: Michel de Koning
Company: Royal HaskoningDHV
Michel de Koning, Director Sales & Marketing Aquasuite, will share the story about how digital technology has brought a more extensive customer relationship through a wealth of data. This has led to new partnerships, acquisitions, new business models and services, enabling this international player to stay ahead of their competition.
11:15 - 11:30
Keynote: National research Future Ready. Now.
Speakers: Marit van Dijk
Company: Avanade
Marit van Dijk, Head of Avanade Advisory Services The Netherlands will focus on the topic of digital transformation and why this is important for many organizations. She will cover two different axes of digital transformation, customer experience and operational efficiency. Furthermore, a comprehensive discussion on the different pathways to become future ready and the implications for the organization will be given by Marit. The model of MIT CISR (Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Center for Information Systems Research) will serve as the framework for these insights.
Afternoon Programme
Customer Case:
Sponsor: SalesScreen
Speaker: Richard Harsevoort
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
Gamification: the step to the customer-driven organization
If you take good care of your employees, they take good care of your customers. Your employees therefore play a crucial role in the success of your organization. Various studies have shown that only a part of the employees are really involved, which means that a large part is not. How are you going to ensure that these people will make a positive contribution to the success of the organization?
Case: Nationale Nederlanden
Speaker: Simon Houmes
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
During this session Simon Houmes, working at Nationale Nederlanden, will explain how Nationale Nederlanden is preparing for the European Accessibility Act, which will come into force in 2022. This legislation requires that people with disabilities need to have access to the services and information offered online. Which activities did Nationale Nederlanden already undertake, and which still need to be undertaken? In the Netherlands there are 2.2 million people with a disability, how does an organization deal with this target group when it comes to customer experience and services (in a b2c environment)?
Which activities did Nationale Nederlanden already undertake, and which still need to be undertaken? In the Netherlands there are 2.2 million people with a disability, how does an organization deal with this target group when it comes to customer experience and services (in a b2c environment)? Acting fast and practical ensures that prospects and customers also have access to the online services of your company.
Interesting for everyone who is working in the following disciplines:
- Branding
- UX design (web en app)
- IT
- Webredactie en contentmanagement
Case: Prominent
Speakers: Gerrold Bossenbroek & Ruud van Rijn
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
During this presentation the emphasis is on creating a distinctive character of the customer experience, in case it is difficult to distinguish based on product and price. A Service Excellence strategy has been developed within Prominent. By this strategy Prominent aims to offer an exceptional customer experience to everyone who comes into contact with Prominent. The ultimate goal of this strategy is to increase customer satisfaction, to generate more promoters of the Prominent brand, which will lead to new and more loyal customers. This will subsequently have a positive effect on sales and profit on the long term. In addition, Prominent strongly believes in processes which are complaint-oriented but also smart and lean. This not only improves the customer experience but it can save costs as well.
Customer Case: Koppert
Sponsor: Cegeka
Speaker: Reinout de Ruiter & Harm Jan Westera
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description Session:
Many companies are still using the Microsoft Dynamics AX platform. Due to the decreasing support possibilities and the introduction of Microsoft Dynamics 365, more and more companies are thinking of upgrading their existing environment.
Together with Koppert, we will take a look at the various upgrade options that exist, the lessons learned and the methodology behind it.
Case: ABÉO Group
Speaker: Carl Padberg & Mike Risseeuw
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
Growing worldwide is not easy. Barriers to global rollout are usually stakeholder buy-in, fear of the unknown and budget and resources. In light of these challenges, it can be tempting to continue without a solid foundation and hope that the project gets underway and receives support.
To successfully expand your program, a global blueprint is needed instead. In this Roundtable, Carl Padberg, who works at ABÉO Groep, will explain how they made their blueprint and rolled out their strategy. During the session you can explore the most important considerations for creating this blueprint and give you insight into whether your program is effective in new regions.
Questions are answered such as:
- How should you set up a global blueprint?
- What is the level of sponsorship and what do you need?
- How should you structure your project team?
- What should the architecture of technology be?
- You start with guidelines on how you can apply it within your organization.
In addition to chair DynamicsHUB, Carl Padberg is also chair of MigrationLAB, where topics such as rollout and migration are central themes.
Customer Case: Klok Groep
Sponsor: SolutionHouse
Speaker: Rik Gruijthuijsen
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
The human side of the migration project - change management, how do you approach this?
During a migration project the focus is mainly on the project group and the relationship with the partner. Project plans are made, deadlines are met and (certainly towards the end of the project) employees work full time. In general, the rest of the company is only actively involved at the end of the project, during training. This can cause problems; people react negatively, start thinking about their own job and this possibly causes delays.
To prevent last minute bumps in the process due to these developments, change management is a vital part of the project.
In this session tools will be discussed on how you can shape the change process for people within the organization. Based on the number of customer cases, best practices are discussed and the following questions will be answered:
- Why is change management an important part of the project?
- Which parts does this consist of?
- How do you prepare a communication plan?
- How do you prepare a training plan?
The aim of the session is to get an insight into the extent to which you have change management on your agenda. Discover what steps you can take to include change management in the project.
This session is a round table, where discussion and sharing of stories are central. In advance, participants will be asked in what phase they think they are in the process. They can also let us know what questions they want to get an answer on.
Client case that is being treated is, Klok Groep from Nijmegen. Klok Groep was originally a construction company that was transformed into a facilitator in the construction process. They have a showroom with entire houses, so that potential buyers of a house can experience the experience of their potential house live. All parties are united in the showroom (interior, kitchen, bathroom an garden specialists).
Klok Groep started the implementation of Dynamics NAV in August 2017, the project went live in May 2018. During this project, Data Migration and Change Management was extensively discussed.
Financial director of the Klok Groep Jeroen van der Bron, he was the owner of the project. During the project he played an active role in data migration. Rick Gruijthuijsen form Solutionhouse NL was project manager and organized the project group.
Customer Case: Klok Groep
Sponsor: SolutionHouse
Speaker: Rik Gruijthuijsen
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
In this session, Rik Gruijthuijsen discusses the practical problem of data migration. Within an organization, migration processes are often being underestimated. Moreover, a migration must have its own plan to keep focus.
Learn more on how you can prepare a practical data migration plan. By doing this we need to take into account:
- Different roles and responsibilities.
- The preparation of a data migration plan
- The integration of the test plan in the project plan.
It is very important that data migration is started on time. It is not an option to wait too long because of the amount of work. Meanwhile is isn’t an option either to start immediately at the beginning of the project, because the target application is not yet 100% complete. This timing challenge will also be discussed.
At the end of the discussion, the participant will have a clear picture of the impact of data migration and that it extends far beyond the technical action itself.
This session is a round table, where discussion and the sharing of stories are central. The participants will be asked in advance about the phase they think they stand in the process. Also participants can let us know what questions they want to get an answer on.
Client case that is being treated is, Klok Groep from Nijmegen. Klok Groep was originally a construction company that was transformed into a facilitator in the construction process. They have a showroom with entire houses, so that potential buyers of a house can experience the experience of their potential house live. All parties are united in the showroom (interior, kitchen, bathroom an garden specialists).
Klok Groep started the implementation of Dynamics NAV in August 2019, the project went live in May 2018. During this project, Data Migration and Change Management was extensively discussed.
Financial director of the Klok Groep Jeroen van der Bron, he was the owner of the project. During the project he played an active role in data migration. Rick Gruijthuijsen from Solutionhouse NL was project manager and organized the project group.
Customer Case: Company Webcast
Sponsor: Amberscript
Speaker: Thomas Dieste & Axel von Maltzahn
Session type: Roundtable
Language: Dutch
Description session:
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is a discipline of AI that developed rapidly in the last years. It is used to automate many different processes; creating subtitles for videos, making archives searchable or even to understand what your customers are trying to tell you on the phone. Creating accurate subtitles has a direct positive impact on the accessibility of your video-content while transcription of customer calls offers great potential to truly understand the voice of your customer.
All of these use cases have one thing in common: They are highly dependent on the accuracy and reliability of the Automatic Speech Recognition.
In this Session, Thomas Dieste will explain the basics of how Speech Recognition works, how far the Speech Recognition of Google, Amazon and IBM reaches in languages like Dutch, and how this technology can be used to automate processes and to generate customer insights.
Company Webcast, the leading provider of webinar and webcasting solutions within the EU, will give some insights on how they use ASR which is specifically trained to understand their clients to generate subtitles for viewers that are deaf or hard-of-hearing.
Customer Case: BVR Groep BV
Sponsor: Ensior
Speaker: Joris Stoop
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
Data from Dynamics NAV / Business Central (cloud) is worth gold! But it is difficult to get the right data out of the system.
We show you how you can unlock and combine the gold (your data) from different sources. This way you gain maximum insight from your DynamicsNAV / Business Central environment.
During this session the customer case of BVR Groep BV will be discussed. BVR Groep BV is an innovative and innovative construction organization that is active in many fields within the construction industry. They are specialized in real estate development, housing, renovation and aftercare. Within the company there is a lot of project-based work and BVR has a separate maintenance company.
Due to the labor-intensive actions in Excel for their reporting, little or no management information was available. This led to a lack of steering power from the holding company. That is why the management team started looking for a suitable solution to gain faster and broader insight into its project organization and business processes. Since the use of Ensior's Analytics4NAV, BVR benefits from valuable project management reporting. Projects can now be managed easily, both in terms of time and budget. This includes hours to be spent, external hiring and purchasing / use of materials. In addition, they now have an automated management dashboard for the MT. In this dashboard you can check out how things are going in the organization without the need for manual work.In short, by using Analytics4NAV, BVR saves both time and money and has its projects under control.
About Analytics4NAV!
Analytics4NAV is the reporting and analysis solution that appeals to the end user through the use of, inter alia, Microsoft Power BI. With this you can directly and easily follow and control the performance of your organization. Make your report builder happy, because the difficult preparation and linking of data from various sources is now a thing of the past. In this way you have more time to concentrate on the analyzes and to adjust the organization in time where necessary.
The Analytics4NAV solution is based on SQL server and also provides the basis for Predictive Analysis and Datascience.
Are you curious about what this solution can mean for your organization? Then come to our break-out session during the Dynamics Experience on November 21, 2019. Be surprised by our colleague Joris Stoop. In a short demonstration you can see how we melt data into gold using the Microsoft SQL server suite. He shows the advantages this offers for your organization on the basis of various customer cases.
By: IoT Insights & CraniumConnect
Speaker: Abraham Joseph
Session type: Roundtable
Language: English
Description session:
The hype is deserved! From smart farming to smart retail and smart buildings to smart societies, the Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to transform every industry and deliver tremendous gains in efficiency across many functional areas in consumer as well as industrial markets. However, IoT is not without its challenges, chief among which are security, industry fragmentation and viable/sustainable business models.
This session discusses:
- The current state and likely evolution of IoT
- The most compelling opportunities offered, and trickiest challenges posed by IoT
- Examples of industries leveraging IoT to ‘turbo-charge’ transformation
- Strategies of leading ecosystem stakeholders
- Links between IoT and other hot/emerging technologies including 5G, artificial
- Intelligence/machine learning and artificial/virtual/mixed reality
- Key lessons learnt in a cross-section of deployments around the world
Customer Case: Abriso
Sponsor: Ad Ultima Group
Speaker: Robbe Masschelein
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
Robbe Masschelein will share insights and vision on how to get senior management, information workers and IT aligned with regards to the use of data.
Ad Ultima Group benefits from a large experience with companies in the Manufacturing, Building & Construction and Advanced Logistics sector. Based on that history and experience they drew conclusions which lead to a methodology to link data warehousing with strategic decision-making.
What you can expect to learn from this session:
- Avoid Business Intelligence (BI) pitfalls
- Approaching data science from a data consumer perspective
- Ask the right questions
- How to present information
Based on the customer case Abriso they will share how to optimize a shared customer portfolio after an acquisition. Abriso (plastics manufacturer) recently acquired its previous competitor which impacted in a growth from 10 to 20 companies. There was information overlap that required attention and an efficient approach. Music to the ears of Ad Ultima.
Ad Ultima Group has realized a strong growth trajectory. Historically Ad Ultima Group’s focus was on the implementation of Microsoft ERP systems at companies active in the logistics, manufacturing or construction sector. To this day these sectors remain the clear focus of Ad Ultima Group. Along the way the company grew into a long term partner supporting ‘end-to-end’ digital transformation projects, including challenges around industry 4.0. In this light Ad Ultima Group also offers services around product lifecycle management, CAD design, CRM and Document Management (through her own software platform ‘Ex Arte’).
Customer Cases: Tony’s Chocolonely, Plinten en Profielen Centrale en Brink Towing Systems.
Sponsor: Hillstar
Speaker: Thomas van Buren
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
Are your reports reliable? Many organizations have a reporting culture which takes a lot of time. Not only the creation of the dashboards takes a lot of time, but also checking the results is time-consuming. Hillstar offers a standard (Power) BI solution which forms an intermediate layer between data sources and reports. It provides you with a set of Power BI reports immediately, so as a user its gets you off to a flying start.
During this session we will discuss the customer cases of among others, Tony’s Chocolonely, Plinten en Profielen Centrale and Brink Towing Systems.
Customer Case:
Sponsor: Mprise
Speaker: Hans Schouten
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
How do you ensure that IT correctly supports people in their work? How do you manage (practically and realistic) the knowledge of both the processes and the design of the applications? In this session Mprise shows how you can turn the organization into a 'digital twin'. You use these digital twins to run simulations with organizational change and renewal. In this way you will gain much more insight with regard to the opportunities and risks of the optimization or implementation process. Come and experience how we can help you bridge the gap between daily business and IT!
Customer Case:
Sponsor: Mprise
Speaker: Julian Zwart
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
You can do more yourself with the Power Platform. Power to you! How does this work, why is it important and what can you do with it? In this session I will discuss this and take you to the Power Platform. What exactly is the platform, why has Microsoft developed this platform and how can I use it in the best way within my organization? What are the do's and don'ts when designing and using the tools in this platform and how do the different tools reinforce each other? I will show you some practical examples of how companies now work with the platform. In addition, I will take you along in the Power Platform roadmap. Afterwards you know how to get started and what the future possibilities are.
Sponsor: Codit
Speaker: Sjoerd van Lochem & Bernard Lenssens
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
The retail and distribution sector is confronted with rapid changes and high demands. And of course everything must be done as efficiently as possible. Because how do you ensure that all partners in the logistics chain know where the products come from, where they are now and in what condition? How do you prove that delicate goods have been carefully transported and stored? How do you prevent manipulation and how do you resolve disputes quickly?
Many players in the distribution sector and the food industry are digitizing their supply chain. And others, such as clothing manufacturers, have the same challenges. They also want to optimize transport movements, prevent surpluses and thus reduce not only the financial but also the ecological impact.
In this presentation, Codit will discuss the following questions and statements based on a customer case:
"How do I set up a collaborative supply chain?"
"Lack of transparency causes a large part of food loss"
"Chain transparency is one of the basic principles of corporate social responsibility"
You will learn more about the possibilities of IoT with blockchain technology and API integration and how this can even be implemented in your organization to a large extent in a standardized and highly adaptable and scalable way. In this way the visibility, responsibility and efficiency of the distribution chain is made transparent. Smart contracts compare pre-set rules with actual data about, for example, storage and transport. This allows multiple parties to use the same, transparent data and collaborate to guide raw materials or products through the logistics chain as optimally as possible.
Codit will give a demo on the basis of a customer case how they have set up the Track & Trace for Retail solution.
Customer Case:
Sponsor: Mprise
Speaker: Harro Knook
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
One of the most basic success factors during and after the implementation of an IT application is a well-functioning core user team. Unfortunately, that team is often a poor child.
The implementation partner often adds - almost as if by little - a profile with regard to the role as a core user to the project plan and leaves it to you as a customer. Who, how and what? It is up to you (as a customer). As long as the team is able to facilitate up to live gan. At most, that the core user (s) come back on the table with less functioning; but then as project risk.
Because a good core user team is so essential, we look further into the role of the core user in our session. What is a good core user? What tasks and responsibilities have been assigned to this group? But also ... how do you give key users the right place in the organization and how do you ensure a lasting contribution from this group?
In other words, when do you say? YES! We have core users!
By: Beeckestijn Business School, Rijksmuseum, Modis, BusinessBase
Speakers: Emo Prins & Hans Molenaar & Iwan Elzinga & Rob Hendriks
Moderator: Jay Ramsanjhal
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
Four views on talent and the associated strategies - panel discussion
Talent management is about investing in people in organizations. The goal is to achieve optimum returns on talent. The implementation of talent management in organizations depends in practice on what is meant by talent. How talent is looked at in organizations is very varied. In practice, this results in different talent strategies that run through each other. A clear vision of what talent is seems to be lacking and as a result, opportunities are lost.
The scarcity of qualified talent on the labor market means that organizations sometimes stagnate in their growth or have to adjust their strategic objectives. Talent management is never the goal. Talent management is by definition a means to achieve strategic goals and to continue to exist as an organization. But what is talent management then? What do you have to do to get started?
A clear vision of talent and a talent strategy geared to this are the starting point for this and count as the essence of the profession.
In this session, these questions are addressed in the form of a panel discussion. Stories are shared from four perspectives on how Talent is viewed and used in these groups.
Customer Case: Intratuin
Speaker: Marco van Putten
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
Innovation and focus on the future is an important survival mechanism in retail. During this session Marco van Putten, Head of IT at Intratuin will share his experience of how Intratuin has developed in recent years in the field of digital transformation and customer experience.
Intratuin wants to bring people closer to a natural way of life. This is done by inspiring with the right products at the right time.
Topics that are discussed include:
- The Digital Roadmap and the importance of Low-Code platforms
- Lessons Learned: The best practices of digital transformation in retail
- Lessons Learned: Bankruptcy and restart of a retail company and the impact on IT
- A glimpse of the future: Optimization of Customer Experience through the use of AI and image technology
Customer Case: Goliath Games
Sponsor: Modis
Speaker: Saskia Kitaman
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Nederlands
Description session:
Scarcity on the labor market, or not? Saskia Kitaman, HR Manager (a.i) at Goliath Games B.V, talks about her experiences. This contemporary recruitment and selection issue is discussed and questioned on the basis of a recent case. Is that scarcity, which is being talked about so much, actually, or do organizations themselves contribute to creating shortcomings in the market?
Sponsor: Avanade
Speakers: Bernd Grubinger & Paolino Montanino
Session type: Presentation
Language: English
Description session:
You have made the right choices in the past, running a strong platform, but technology is changing quickly, and your platform is becoming more difficult and costly to maintain. At the same time, the tech disruption cycle is getting increasingly shorter. A whole new paradigm exists that offers tremendous opportunities especially around cloud service capabilities from which, we believe every organization should be able to benefit.
In the continuity of the Microsoft ERP-solution you have, we can accompany you towards the most modern, advanced and best suited cloud business platform to help you become future ready.
A future that can be within reach easier than you may imagine with Dynamics 365. How?
Learn how you can make an easy, fast and cost-efficient transition to a modern cloud-based ERP environment with Dynamics 365, while keeping pace with your market and business ambitions with the unique AVANADE migration processes and automatic tools: up to 80% of Upgrade process is automated, Up to 60% of improvement in code quality and best practices, up to 50% customization reduction and more.
Customer Case: MN Services
Sponsor: Avanade Netherlands
Speaker: Marit van Dijk & Norbert Hoogers
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
In this break-out session, we elaborate on the decisions that executives have to make in the field of digital transformation. We will describe and discuss different pathways and success factors for a future-oriented business strategy in an interactive way. By working in different subgroups we will discuss these relevant topics with each other. At the end of this session you bring the take-aways of MIT CISR research with you to become a future-ready organization.
Customer Case:
Sponsor: Avanade
Speaker: Ryan Price & Rasmus Hyltegard
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
A very important aspect of being Future Ready Now is leveraging the power of Data and AI.
Ever wonder what extremes one would go through to avoid spilling a beer? Curious how AI can help you spend less time waiting in line and more time watching the game? Looking to create more positive and value-driven customer interactions? Or just wondering what exactly your customers are up to once they walk through those doors?
Then come to Avanade’s session where you will experience how AI and moving closer to the Edge can deliver new opportunities that help improve your bottom line.
Customer Case: Heineken
Sponsor: Avanade
Speaker: Jonathan Vardy & Robbert Jacobs
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
In de afgelopen 15 jaar is Heineken uitgegroeid van één brouwerij tot 's werelds meest internationale brouwer. Van productie op grote schaal in de vroege jaren 1900 tot massamarketing en verkoop in de jaren 70, Heineken is altijd een voorloper geweest die een nieuw tijdperk voor de industrie is ingeslagen. In deze sessie zal Guus van Waardenburg (Global SFA Manager) bespreken hoe het volgende tijdperk - digitaal - de verkoopafdelingen van Heineken over de hele wereld beïnvloedt.
Sponsor: BusinessBase
Speaker: Jarco Penning
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
Relationship selling with Microsoft
Your organization is built on relationships and this is the basis of the company's success. As a salesperson you want direct access to the decision makers of your target group and you can anticipate to changing circumstances. The sales team need the right technology to respond quickly to new developments at customers and prospects and to give your sales manager control over the pipeline and customer-focused processes. What is the right technology? Smart software that allows the sales team to do their work more efficiently can and can respond immediately to changing circumstances.
By combining the power of MS Dynamics 365 with the LinkedIn network of decision makers via Sales Navigator, your sales team is directly involved with the most important decision makers and more importantly: your sales manager regains control over the customer-focused processes and pipeline. This also offers a solution for the marketing department. They can share relevant content with the sales team and set up lead generation programs.
What can you expect:
During this session we invite you to share your experiences. The experts from Microsoft, LinkedIn and BusinessBase will share their knowledge and explain how this solution can help your organization. We are happy to help you discover the opportunities and gain new insights through sharing knowledge and experiences.
Sponsor: BusinessBase
Speaker: Timo Bax & Niels Roos
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
Customer-centricity is a business imperative and improving the overall customer experience a top priority, but delivering connected experiences can be challenging given the systems and data are often siloed in ways that mirror organizational structures. The ability to effectively personalize at scale requires a complete, unified view of customers across marketing, sales, and service. Realize the full potential of your customer data with a self-service solution that intelligently transforms fragmented data into a complete view of customers. Learn how to unlock insights to power your business processes and deliver personalized experiences that help you retain and grow your customers.
Customer Case: IIR
Sponsor: BusinessBase
Speaker: Raimon den Boef
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
During this session we will take a deep dive on the use of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing.
This session will be about the customer case of IIR, an institute for trainings and conferences. During the past year, IIR has been migrated to Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing. A big part of this migration was the switch from ClickDimensions to a fully integrated Marketing Automation in Microsoft Dynamics 365. During this session, Raimon den Boef will tell everything about this journey of IIR in which he was closely involved. Raimon is now working at Nyenrode Business Universiteit where this migration is also in full swing.
The following questions will be answered during this session:
- How did the selection process lead to the choice of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing?
- How long did the migration from ClickDimensions to MS Dynamics 365 for Marketing take?
- What is the added value IIR has discovered for its IT organization to both internal and external customers?
- What are the main shortcomings that IIR has encountered?
- What impact did the migration have on the organization?
- How is the migration going at Nyenrode Business Universiteit?
In addition to this session, BusinessBase will share its expertise in the field of Marketing Automation. We will also discuss matters such as architecture and possible links with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing.
Customer Case: Adobe
Speaker: Sanne Erven
Session type: Roundtable
Language: Dutch
Description session:
The path to an experience-driven business: Capabilities that enable organisations to optimise the value of their customer interactions. Adobe’s Digital Experience Assessments have helped hundreds of businesses evaluate their current-state digital capabilities, identify their main barriers to success and prioritise next steps to become an experience-driven business. In this session, experts will provide an account of the most typical challenges and share solutions that have enabled organisations to build a path to become more customer- and experience-centric.
Customer Case: Full Force Digital
Sponsor: Adobe
Speaker: Rens Pels & Rob In der Maur
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
Rens Pels from Full Force Digital and Rob In der Maur from Adobe Benelux will use a customer case from a well-known FMCG player to explain how you can optimize customer engagement by using data and content correctly. After the session you have insight into how you can create personalized experiences in real time.
Personalized customer experience is decisive for companies. There is a worldwide awareness that customer-oriented entrepreneurship is now really necessary. Approximately 60 percent of marketing managers indicate that the business model used is under critical or significant pressure to adjust to changing market conditions. To organize a successful customer experience, we increasingly think from customer journeys and involve the customer more and more in improving our services. We are particularly concerned with "experience thinking", but how are we going to actually turn this into "experience making"? That question is explained during this session.
Customer Case: Essent, E.ON Group
Sponsor: Adobe
Speaker: Maarten Wesdorp
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
During this session Maarten will share the story of Essent - one of the E.ON subsidiaries.
He explains how the implementation of Marketo (by Adobe) marketing automation has also led to the insight that providing the best customer experience is necessary in order to remain number 1 in the energy market. From just a b2b implementation to customer experience management with Marketo Engagement Platform, Maarten will share practical examples of use-cases that contributes to the results today.
Case: Windesheim
Speakers: Jeroen Jonkman & André van der Wijk
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
What does the path towards a data-driven college or university look like? During this session Jeroen Jonkman (product owner) and André van der Wijk (MS Dynamics Specialist) will share the case of Hogeschool Windesheim.
Topics that will be covered in this session are:
- Developing a strategy based on collected data within the institution.
- Phasing of the steps: Where and how do you start? What is the ultimate long-term goal?
- Which tools can you use?
- Example case Windesheim
- Relationship management / Campaign automation
- Connections with other systems
- What are technical and organizational challenges that you might encounter?
Case: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen & Radbout Universiteit Nijmegen
Speaker: Simon Thunnissen & Jorg Geurts
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
How can AVG help your organization to become more efficient? Does your organization use AVG as a stick to let your colleagues work according to fixed procedures in CRM (D365)?
Or does your organization see AVG as a Carrot which enables the optimization of processes and increase adoption? This workshop will be about many dilemmas AVG has led to.
That is why the central question is: How do we deal with these dilemmas? What current dilemmas do you encounter? Has AVG made your process around the exchange of internships easier or more difficult?
Case: Hanzehogeschool Groningen & Hogeschool Windesheim
Sponsor: BusinessBase
Speakers: Max Schoenmaker & André van der Wijk & Maaike Schuurhof
Session type: Presentatie
Language: Dutch
Description session:
You will never finish learning. Lifelong Development. Flexibilisation in education. The playing field is changing. From a diploma factory to a full-fledged player in the region, but also working nationally, European and internationally with strategic partners. Because of the ambitions that colleges have, and the shrinkage in the region, your "seats" are simply not filled anymore.
Most educational institutions will recognize these topics. Information systems contribute to this transition. They may even be preconditions for such a transition, but what do you invest in? Never before there has been a need for it, the focus was mainly on feeling, experience and emotion. Now the right choices have to be made. That’s’ where you need to have the insights. More data-driven (managing) is unavoidable.
As an educational institution, how do you ensure that these information systems are properly set up and that work processes are supported? During this session a broad CRM project is presented with various objectives: Process support for training and development of Professionals, Dashboards on intake, process support for Public Affairs and the basis of the management organization and the system needs to be in place.
During this session you will hear from Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen how they are working on this transition in relation to the underlying business processes and systems. Max Schoenmaker, Advisor & Product Owner CRM from Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen will share his experiences and plans. In the current process to get the students to the right place (in front of the gate), Hanze works together with Microsoft Dynamics partner BusinessBase. Hanze is setting up marketing together with BusinessBase Dynamics 365. During the Q&A the Marketing and Education experts of Dynamics will answer questions from the audience.
The step to the customer-driven organization through Gamification | Customer caseCustomer Case: <br> Sponsor: <b>SalesScreen</b><br> Speaker: <b>Richard Harsevoort </b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch </b><br><br> Description session: <br> <b>Gamification: the step to the customer-driven organization</b><br> <br> If you take good care of your employees, they take good care of your customers. Your employees therefore play a crucial role in the success of your organization. Various studies have shown that only a part of the employees are really involved, which means that a large part is not. How are you going to ensure that these people will make a positive contribution to the success of the organization?12:30 - 13:15
Digitale Inclusie -You want to act now | Customer case Nationale NederlandenCase: <b>Nationale Nederlanden </b><br> Speaker: <b>Simon Houmes</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie </b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> During this session <b>Simon Houmes</b>, working at <b>Nationale Nederlanden</b>, will explain how <b>Nationale Nederlanden </b>is preparing for the European Accessibility Act, which will come into force in 2022. This legislation requires that people with disabilities need to have access to the services and information offered online. Which activities did Nationale Nederlanden already undertake, and which still need to be undertaken? In the Netherlands there are 2.2 million people with a disability, how does an organization deal with this target group when it comes to customer experience and services (in a b2c environment)?<br><br> Which activities did <b>Nationale Nederlanden </b>already undertake, and which still need to be undertaken? In the Netherlands there are 2.2 million people with a disability, how does an organization deal with this target group when it comes to customer experience and services (in a b2c environment)? Acting fast and practical ensures that prospects and customers also have access to the online services of your company.<br><br> Interesting for everyone who is working in the following disciplines: <ul style="list-style-type: square; margin-left: 50px; padding-bottom: 10px;"> <li><b>Branding</b></li> <li><b>UX design (web en app)</b></li> <li><b>IT</b></li> <li><b>Webredactie en contentmanagement</li> </ul>13:45 - 14:30
Organize from inside-out to outside-in | Customer case ProminentCase: <b>Prominent</b><br> Speakers: <b>Gerrold Bossenbroek & Ruud van Rijn</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> During this presentation the emphasis is on creating a distinctive character of the customer experience, in case it is difficult to distinguish based on product and price. A Service Excellence strategy has been developed within <b>Prominent</b>. By this strategy <b>Prominent</b> aims to offer an exceptional customer experience to everyone who comes into contact with <b>Prominent</b>. The ultimate goal of this strategy is to increase customer satisfaction, to generate more promoters of the <b>Prominent </b>brand, which will lead to new and more loyal customers. This will subsequently have a positive effect on sales and profit on the long term. In addition, <b>Prominent </b>strongly believes in processes which are complaint-oriented but also smart and lean. This not only improves the customer experience but it can save costs as well.15:00 - 15:45
How do you approach an upgrade from Dynamics AX to Dynamics 365 for Finance & Operations? | Customer CaseCustomer Case: <b>Koppert</b> <br> Sponsor: <b>Cegeka </b> <br> Speaker: <b>Reinout de Ruiter & Harm Jan Westera</b> <br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b> <br> Language: <b>Dutch</b> <br><br> Description Session: <br> Many companies are still using the Microsoft Dynamics AX platform. Due to the decreasing support possibilities and the introduction of Microsoft Dynamics 365, more and more companies are thinking of upgrading their existing environment. <br><br> Together with <b>Koppert</b>, we will take a look at the various upgrade options that exist, the lessons learned and the methodology behind it.12:30 - 13:15
Expand globally: an international roll-out strategy | Customer case ABEO GroupCase: <b>ABÉO Group</b><br> Speaker: <b>Carl Padberg & Mike Risseeuw</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> Growing worldwide is not easy. Barriers to global rollout are usually stakeholder buy-in, fear of the unknown and budget and resources. In light of these challenges, it can be tempting to continue without a solid foundation and hope that the project gets underway and receives support. <br><br> To successfully expand your program, a global blueprint is needed instead. In this Roundtable, <b>Carl Padberg</b>, who works at <b>ABÉO Groep</b>, will explain how they made their blueprint and rolled out their strategy. During the session you can explore the most important considerations for creating this blueprint and give you insight into whether your program is effective in new regions. <br><br> Questions are answered such as: <ul style="list-style-type: square; margin-left: 50px; padding-bottom: 10px;"> <li>How should you set up a global blueprint? </li> <li>What is the level of sponsorship and what do you need? </li> <li>How should you structure your project team? </li> <li>What should the architecture of technology be? </li> <li>You start with guidelines on how you can apply it within your organization. </ul> <p style="margin-left: 30px;">In addition to chair <b>DynamicsHUB, Carl Padberg </b>is also chair of <b>MigrationLAB</b>, where topics such as rollout and migration are central themes. <p><br>13:45 - 14:30
The human side of the migration project - change management, how do you approach this?Customer Case: <b> Klok Groep</b> <br> Sponsor: <b>SolutionHouse</b> <br> Speaker: <b>Rik Gruijthuijsen</b> <br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b> <br> Language:<b> Dutch</b> <br><br> Description session:<br> <b>The human side of the migration project - change management, how do you approach this?</b> <br><br> During a migration project the focus is mainly on the project group and the relationship with the partner. Project plans are made, deadlines are met and (certainly towards the end of the project) employees work full time. In general, the rest of the company is only actively involved at the end of the project, during training. This can cause problems; people react negatively, start thinking about their own job and this possibly causes delays. <br><br> To prevent last minute bumps in the process due to these developments, change management is a vital part of the project. <br><br> In this session tools will be discussed on how you can shape the change process for people within the organization. Based on the number of customer cases, best practices are discussed and the following questions will be answered: <ul style="list-style-type: square; margin-left: 50px; padding-bottom: 10px;"> <li>Why is change management an important part of the project?</li> <li>Which parts does this consist of?</li> <li>How do you prepare a communication plan?</li> <li>How do you prepare a training plan?</li> </ul> <br> <p style="margin-left: 30px;"> The aim of the session is to get an insight into the extent to which you have change management on your agenda. Discover what steps you can take to include change management in the project. <br><br> This session is a round table, where discussion and sharing of stories are central. In advance, participants will be asked in what phase they think they are in the process. They can also let us know what questions they want to get an answer on. <br><br> Client case that is being treated is, <b>Klok Groep </b>from Nijmegen. <b>Klok Groep </b>was originally a construction company that was transformed into a facilitator in the construction process. They have a showroom with entire houses, so that potential buyers of a house can experience the experience of their potential house live. All parties are united in the showroom (interior, kitchen, bathroom an garden specialists). <br><br> <b>Klok Groep </b>started the implementation of <b>Dynamics NAV </b>in August 2017, the project went live in May 2018. During this project, Data Migration and Change Management was extensively discussed. <br><br> Financial director of the <b>Klok Groep Jeroen van der Bron</b>, he was the owner of the project. During the project he played an active role in data migration. <b>Rick Gruijthuijsen </b>form <b>Solutionhouse NL </b>was project manager and organized the project group.</p>15:00 - 15:45
Data Migration in the organization - how do you do that?Customer Case: <b>Klok Groep</b><br> Sponsor: <b>SolutionHouse</b><br> Speaker: <b>Rik Gruijthuijsen</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> In this session, <b>Rik Gruijthuijsen </b>discusses the practical problem of data migration. Within an organization, migration processes are often being underestimated. Moreover, a migration must have its own plan to keep focus.<br><br> Learn more on how you can prepare a practical data migration plan. By doing this we need to take into account: <ul style="list-style-type: square; margin-left: 50px; padding-bottom: 10px;"><b> <li>Different roles and responsibilities.</li> <li>The preparation of a data migration plan</li> <li>The integration of the test plan in the project plan.</li> </b></ul> <p style="margin-left: 30px;">It is very important that data migration is started on time. It is not an option to wait too long because of the amount of work. Meanwhile is isn’t an option either to start immediately at the beginning of the project, because the target application is not yet 100% complete. This timing challenge will also be discussed.<br><br> At the end of the discussion, the participant will have a clear picture of the impact of data migration and that it extends far beyond the technical action itself.<br><br> This session is a round table, where discussion and the sharing of stories are central. The participants will be asked in advance about the phase they think they stand in the process. Also participants can let us know what questions they want to get an answer on.<br><br> Client case that is being treated is, <b>Klok Groep </b>from Nijmegen. <b>Klok Groep</b> was originally a construction company that was transformed into a facilitator in the construction process. They have a showroom with entire houses, so that potential buyers of a house can experience the experience of their potential house live. All parties are united in the showroom (interior, kitchen, bathroom an garden specialists).<br><br> <b>Klok Groep</b> started the implementation of <b>Dynamics NAV </b>in August 2019, the project went live in May 2018. During this project, Data Migration and Change Management was extensively discussed. <br><br> Financial director of the <b>Klok Groep Jeroen van der Bron</b>, he was the owner of the project. During the project he played an active role in data migration. <b>Rick Gruijthuijsen</b> from <b>Solutionhouse NL</b> was project manager and organized the project group.</p><br>16:15 - 17:00
Customer Insights and Digital Accessibility through Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)Customer Case: <b>Company Webcast </b><br> Sponsor: <b>Amberscript</b><br> Speaker: <b>Thomas Dieste & Axel von Maltzahn</b><br> Session type: <b>Roundtable</b><br> Language:<b> Dutch</b><br><br> Description session: <br> Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is a discipline of AI that developed rapidly in the last years. It is used to automate many different processes; creating subtitles for videos, making archives searchable or even to understand what your customers are trying to tell you on the phone. Creating accurate subtitles has a direct positive impact on the accessibility of your video-content while transcription of customer calls offers great potential to truly understand the voice of your customer. <br><br> All of these use cases have one thing in common: They are highly dependent on the accuracy and reliability of the Automatic Speech Recognition. <br><br> In this Session, <b>Thomas Dieste</b> will explain the basics of how Speech Recognition works, how far the Speech Recognition of <b>Google, Amazon</b> and <b>IBM </b>reaches in languages like Dutch, and how this technology can be used to automate processes and to generate customer insights. <br><br> <b>Company Webcast</b>, the leading provider of webinar and webcasting solutions within the EU, will give some insights on how they use ASR which is specifically trained to understand their clients to generate subtitles for viewers that are deaf or hard-of-hearing.12:30 - 13:15
Data is worth gold, but how do you get real value from your data?Customer Case: <b>BVR Groep BV</b><br> Sponsor: <b>Ensior</b> <br> Speaker: <b>Joris Stoop</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> Data from Dynamics NAV / Business Central (cloud) is worth gold! But it is difficult to get the right data out of the system. <br><br> We show you how you can unlock and combine the gold (your data) from different sources. This way you gain maximum insight from your DynamicsNAV / Business Central environment. <br><br> During this session the customer case of <b>BVR Groep BV</b> will be discussed.<b> BVR Groep BV</b> is an innovative and innovative construction organization that is active in many fields within the construction industry. They are specialized in real estate development, housing, renovation and aftercare. Within the company there is a lot of project-based work and BVR has a separate maintenance company. <br><br> Due to the labor-intensive actions in Excel for their reporting, little or no management information was available. This led to a lack of steering power from the holding company. That is why the management team started looking for a suitable solution to gain faster and broader insight into its project organization and business processes. Since the use of Ensior's Analytics4NAV, BVR benefits from valuable project management reporting. Projects can now be managed easily, both in terms of time and budget. This includes hours to be spent, external hiring and purchasing / use of materials. In addition, they now have an automated management dashboard for the MT. In this dashboard you can check out how things are going in the organization without the need for manual work.In short, by using Analytics4NAV, BVR saves both time and money and has its projects under control. <br><br> <b>About Analytics4NAV!</b><br><br> <b>Analytics4NAV</b> is the reporting and analysis solution that appeals to the end user through the use of, inter alia, <b>Microsoft Power BI</b>. With this you can directly and easily follow and control the performance of your organization. Make your report builder happy, because the difficult preparation and linking of data from various sources is now a thing of the past. In this way you have more time to concentrate on the analyzes and to adjust the organization in time where necessary. <br><br> The Analytics4NAV solution is based on SQL server and also provides the basis for Predictive Analysis and Datascience. <br><br> Are you curious about what this solution can mean for your organization? Then come to our break-out session during the Dynamics Experience on November 21, 2019. Be surprised by our colleague <b>Joris Stoop</b>. In a short demonstration you can see how we melt data into gold using the Microsoft SQL server suite. He shows the advantages this offers for your organization on the basis of various customer cases.13:45 - 14:30
IoT – From Hype to Reality IoT-Enabled Business TransformationBy: <b>IoT Insights & CraniumConnect</b><br> Speaker: <b>Abraham Joseph</b><br> Session type: <b>Roundtable</b><br> Language: <b>English</b><br><br> Description session:<br> The hype is deserved! From smart farming to smart retail and smart buildings to smart societies, the <b>Internet of Things</b> (IoT) has the potential to transform every industry and deliver tremendous gains in efficiency across many functional areas in consumer as well as industrial markets. However, IoT is not without its challenges, chief among which are security, industry fragmentation and viable/sustainable business models.<br><br> This session discusses: <ul style="list-style-type: square; margin-left: 50px; padding-bottom: 10px;"> <li>The current state and likely evolution of IoT</li> <li>The most compelling opportunities offered, and trickiest challenges posed by IoT</li> <li>Examples of industries leveraging IoT to ‘turbo-charge’ transformation</li> <li>Strategies of leading ecosystem stakeholders</li> <li>Links between IoT and other hot/emerging technologies including 5G, artificial </li> <li>Intelligence/machine learning and artificial/virtual/mixed reality</li> <li>Key lessons learnt in a cross-section of deployments around the world</li></ul><br>15:00 - 15:45
Putting the business in Business IntelligenceCustomer Case: <b>Abriso</b><br> Sponsor: <b>Ad Ultima Group</b><br> Speaker: <b>Robbe Masschelein</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> <b>Robbe Masschelein</b> will share insights and vision on how to get senior management, information workers and IT aligned with regards to the use of data.<br><br> <b>Ad Ultima Group</b> benefits from a large experience with companies in the Manufacturing, Building & Construction and Advanced Logistics sector. Based on that history and experience they drew conclusions which lead to a methodology to link data warehousing with strategic decision-making. <br><br> What you can expect to learn from this session: <ul style="list-style-type: square; margin-left: 50px; padding-bottom: 10px;"> <li>Avoid Business Intelligence (BI) pitfalls<br></li> <li>Approaching data science from a data consumer perspective<br></li> <li>Ask the right questions<br></li> <li>How to present information<br></li></ul> <p style="margin-left: 30px;">Based on the customer case <b>Abriso</b> they will share how to optimize a shared customer portfolio after an acquisition. <b>Abriso </b>(plastics manufacturer) recently acquired its previous competitor which impacted in a growth from 10 to 20 companies. There was information overlap that required attention and an efficient approach. Music to the ears of <b>Ad Ultima. </b> <br><br> <b>Ad Ultima Group </b>has realized a strong growth trajectory. Historically <b>Ad Ultima Group’s</b> focus was on the implementation of Microsoft ERP systems at companies active in the logistics, manufacturing or construction sector. To this day these sectors remain the clear focus of <b>Ad Ultima Group</b>. Along the way the company grew into a long term partner supporting ‘end-to-end’ digital transformation projects, including challenges around industry 4.0. In this light <b>Ad Ultima Group</b> also offers services around product lifecycle management, CAD design, CRM and Document Management (through her own software platform ‘Ex Arte’).<p><br>16:15 - 17:00
How do you use Power BI to boost productivity?Customer Cases: <b>Tony’s Chocolonely, Plinten en Profielen Centrale en Brink Towing Systems.</b><br> Sponsor: <b>Hillstar</b><br> Speaker: <b>Thomas van Buren</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> Are your reports reliable? Many organizations have a reporting culture which takes a lot of time. Not only the creation of the dashboards takes a lot of time, but also checking the results is time-consuming. <b>Hillstar</b> offers a standard (Power) BI solution which forms an intermediate layer between data sources and reports. It provides you with a set of Power BI reports immediately, so as a user its gets you off to a flying start. <br><br> During this session we will discuss the customer cases of among others, <b>Tony’s Chocolonely, Plinten en Profielen Centrale and Brink Towing Systems.</b>12:30 - 13:15
Processes, people and IT. Bridge the gap with the digital twin!Customer Case: <br> Sponsor: <b>Mprise</b><br> Speaker: <b>Hans Schouten</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language:<b> Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> How do you ensure that IT correctly supports people in their work? How do you manage (practically and realistic) the knowledge of both the processes and the design of the applications? In this session <b>Mprise</b> shows how you can turn the organization into a 'digital twin'. You use these digital twins to run simulations with organizational change and renewal. In this way you will gain much more insight with regard to the opportunities and risks of the optimization or implementation process. Come and experience how we can help you bridge the gap between daily business and IT!13:45 - 14:30
Power Platform: What is it and how do you get started?Customer Case: <br> Sponsor: <b>Mprise</b><br> Speaker: <b>Julian Zwart</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> You can do more yourself with the <b>Power Platform</b>. Power to you! How does this work, why is it important and what can you do with it? In this session I will discuss this and take you to the <b>Power Platform</b>. What exactly is the platform, why has Microsoft developed this platform and how can I use it in the best way within my organization? What are the do's and don'ts when designing and using the tools in this platform and how do the different tools reinforce each other? I will show you some practical examples of how companies now work with the platform. In addition, I will take you along in the <b>Power Platform</b> roadmap. Afterwards you know how to get started and what the future possibilities are.15:00 - 15:45
The true value of IoT & Blockchain for RetailSponsor: <b>Codit</b><br> Speaker: <b>Sjoerd van Lochem & Bernard Lenssens</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> The retail and distribution sector is confronted with rapid changes and high demands. And of course everything must be done as efficiently as possible. Because how do you ensure that all partners in the logistics chain know where the products come from, where they are now and in what condition? How do you prove that delicate goods have been carefully transported and stored? How do you prevent manipulation and how do you resolve disputes quickly? <br><br> Many players in the distribution sector and the food industry are digitizing their supply chain. And others, such as clothing manufacturers, have the same challenges. They also want to optimize transport movements, prevent surpluses and thus reduce not only the financial but also the ecological impact.<br><br> In this presentation, <b>Codit</b> will discuss the following questions and statements based on a customer case: <br><br><b> "How do I set up a collaborative supply chain?"<br> "Lack of transparency causes a large part of food loss"<br> "Chain transparency is one of the basic principles of corporate social responsibility"<br><br> </b> You will learn more about the possibilities of IoT with blockchain technology and API integration and how this can even be implemented in your organization to a large extent in a standardized and highly adaptable and scalable way. In this way the visibility, responsibility and efficiency of the distribution chain is made transparent. Smart contracts compare pre-set rules with actual data about, for example, storage and transport. This allows multiple parties to use the same, transparent data and collaborate to guide raw materials or products through the logistics chain as optimally as possible. <br><br> <b>Codit</b> will give a demo on the basis of a customer case how they have set up the Track & Trace for Retail solution.16:15 - 17:00
Why key-users are crucial for successful projects.Customer Case: <br> Sponsor: <b>Mprise</b> <br> Speaker: <b>Harro Knook</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> One of the most basic success factors during and after the implementation of an IT application is a well-functioning core user team. Unfortunately, that team is often a poor child.<br> <br> The implementation partner often adds - almost as if by little - a profile with regard to the role as a core user to the project plan and leaves it to you as a customer. Who, how and what? It is up to you (as a customer). As long as the team is able to facilitate up to live gan. At most, that the core user (s) come back on the table with less functioning; but then as project risk.<br><br> Because a good core user team is so essential, we look further into the role of the core user in our session. What is a good core user? What tasks and responsibilities have been assigned to this group? But also ... how do you give key users the right place in the organization and how do you ensure a lasting contribution from this group? <br><br> In other words, when do you say? YES! We have core users!12:30 - 13:15
Talent development and management in your company: Panel discussion from 4 perspectivesBy: <b>Beeckestijn Business School, Rijksmuseum, Modis, BusinessBase</b><br> Speakers: <b>Emo Prins & Hans Molenaar & Iwan Elzinga & Rob Hendriks</b><br> Moderator: <b> Jay Ramsanjhal </b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> <b>Four views on talent and the associated strategies - panel discussion</b><br><br> Talent management is about investing in people in organizations. The goal is to achieve optimum returns on talent. The implementation of talent management in organizations depends in practice on what is meant by talent. How talent is looked at in organizations is very varied. In practice, this results in different talent strategies that run through each other. A clear vision of what talent is seems to be lacking and as a result, opportunities are lost.<br><br> The scarcity of qualified talent on the labor market means that organizations sometimes stagnate in their growth or have to adjust their strategic objectives. Talent management is never the goal. Talent management is by definition a means to achieve strategic goals and to continue to exist as an organization. But what is talent management then? What do you have to do to get started?<br><br> A clear vision of talent and a talent strategy geared to this are the starting point for this and count as the essence of the profession.<br><br> In this session, these questions are addressed in the form of a panel discussion. Stories are shared from four perspectives on how Talent is viewed and used in these groups.13:45 - 14:30
Future Ready? Then fix the roof when the sun is out! Customer case IntratuinCustomer Case: <b>Intratuin</b><br> Speaker: <b>Marco van Putten</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> Innovation and focus on the future is an important survival mechanism in retail. During this session Marco van Putten, Head of IT at Intratuin will share his experience of how Intratuin has developed in recent years in the field of digital transformation and customer experience. <br><br> Intratuin wants to bring people closer to a natural way of life. This is done by inspiring with the right products at the right time. <br><br> Topics that are discussed include: <ul style="list-style-type: square; margin-left: 50px; padding-bottom: 10px;"> <li>The Digital Roadmap and the importance of Low-Code platforms</li> <li>Lessons Learned: The best practices of digital transformation in retail</li> <li>Lessons Learned: Bankruptcy and restart of a retail company and the impact on IT</li> <li>A glimpse of the future: Optimization of Customer Experience through the use of AI and image technology</li> </ul>15:00 - 15:45
Talent development in a tight labor market Customer CaseCustomer Case: <b>Goliath Games</b><br> Sponsor: <b>Modis</b><br> Speaker: <b>Saskia Kitaman</b> <br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b> <br> Language: <b>Nederlands</b><br><br> Description session:<br> Scarcity on the labor market, or not? <b>Saskia Kitaman</b>, HR Manager (a.i) at <b>Goliath Games B.V</b>, talks about her experiences. This contemporary recruitment and selection issue is discussed and questioned on the basis of a recent case. Is that scarcity, which is being talked about so much, actually, or do organizations themselves contribute to creating shortcomings in the market?16:15 - 17:00
The impact of end-of-life of current AX system | ERP upgradeSponsor: <b>Avanade</b><br> Speakers: <b>Bernd Grubinger & Paolino Montanino</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentation</b><br> Language: <b>English</b><br><br> Description session:<br> You have made the right choices in the past, running a strong platform, but technology is changing quickly, and your platform is becoming more difficult and costly to maintain. At the same time, the tech disruption cycle is getting increasingly shorter. A whole new paradigm exists that offers tremendous opportunities especially around cloud service capabilities from which, we believe every organization should be able to benefit. <br><br> In the continuity of the Microsoft ERP-solution you have, we can accompany you towards the most modern, advanced and best suited cloud business platform to help you become future ready. <br><br> A future that can be within reach easier than you may imagine with Dynamics 365. How? <br><br> Learn how you can make an easy, fast and cost-efficient transition to a modern cloud-based ERP environment with Dynamics 365, while keeping pace with your market and business ambitions with the unique AVANADE migration processes and automatic tools: up to 80% of Upgrade process is automated, Up to 60% of improvement in code quality and best practices, up to 50% customization reduction and more.12:30 - 13:15
Future Ready Now; Executive Agenda – Digital TransformationCustomer Case: <b>MN Services</b><br> Sponsor: <b>Avanade Netherlands</b> <br> Speaker: <b>Marit van Dijk & Norbert Hoogers</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie </b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> In this break-out session, we elaborate on the decisions that executives have to make in the field of digital transformation. We will describe and discuss different pathways and success factors for a future-oriented business strategy in an interactive way. By working in different subgroups we will discuss these relevant topics with each other. At the end of this session you bring the take-aways of MIT CISR research with you to become a future-ready organization.13:45 - 14:30
Future Ready Now: Leveraging the power of Data and AICustomer Case:<br> Sponsor: <b>Avanade</b><br> Speaker: <b>Ryan Price & Rasmus Hyltegard</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> <b> A very important aspect of being Future Ready Now is leveraging the power of Data and AI. <br><br></b> Ever wonder what extremes one would go through to avoid spilling a beer? Curious how AI can help you spend less time waiting in line and more time watching the game? Looking to create more positive and value-driven customer interactions? Or just wondering what exactly your customers are up to once they walk through those doors? <br><br> Then come to Avanade’s session where you will experience how AI and moving closer to the Edge can deliver new opportunities that help improve your bottom line.15:00 - 15:45
How digital is transforming the way we do sales | Case HeinekenCustomer Case: <b>Heineken</b><br> Sponsor: <b>Avanade</b><br> Speaker: <b>Jonathan Vardy & Robbert Jacobs</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> In de afgelopen 15 jaar is <b>Heineken </b>uitgegroeid van één brouwerij tot 's werelds meest internationale brouwer. Van productie op grote schaal in de vroege jaren 1900 tot massamarketing en verkoop in de jaren 70, Heineken is altijd een voorloper geweest die een nieuw tijdperk voor de industrie is ingeslagen. In deze sessie zal <b>Guus van Waardenburg </b>(Global SFA Manager) bespreken hoe het volgende tijdperk - digitaal - de verkoopafdelingen van Heineken over de hele wereld beïnvloedt.16:15 - 17:00
Relationship Selling with Microsoft & LinkedinSponsor: <b>BusinessBase</b><br> Speaker: <b>Jarco Penning</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session: <br> <b>Relationship selling with Microsoft</b><br><br> Your organization is built on relationships and this is the basis of the company's success. As a salesperson you want direct access to the decision makers of your target group and you can anticipate to changing circumstances. The sales team need the right technology to respond quickly to new developments at customers and prospects and to give your sales manager control over the pipeline and customer-focused processes. What is the right technology? Smart software that allows the sales team to do their work more efficiently can and can respond immediately to changing circumstances. <br><br> By combining the power of MS Dynamics 365 with the LinkedIn network of decision makers via Sales Navigator, your sales team is directly involved with the most important decision makers and more importantly: your sales manager regains control over the customer-focused processes and pipeline. This also offers a solution for the marketing department. They can share relevant content with the sales team and set up lead generation programs. <br><br> What can you expect: <br><br> During this session we invite you to share your experiences. The experts from <b>Microsoft, LinkedIn</b> and <b>BusinessBase</b> will share their knowledge and explain how this solution can help your organization. We are happy to help you discover the opportunities and gain new insights through sharing knowledge and experiences.12:30 - 13:15
Customer Insights in a Day | PresentatieSponsor: <b>BusinessBase</b><br> Speaker: <b>Timo Bax & Niels Roos</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> Customer-centricity is a business imperative and improving the overall customer experience a top priority, but delivering connected experiences can be challenging given the systems and data are often siloed in ways that mirror organizational structures. The ability to effectively personalize at scale requires a complete, unified view of customers across marketing, sales, and service. Realize the full potential of your customer data with a self-service solution that intelligently transforms fragmented data into a complete view of customers. Learn how to unlock insights to power your business processes and deliver personalized experiences that help you retain and grow your customers.13:45 - 14:30
From Student Journey to Student Success: Dynamics 365 MarketingCustomer Case: <b>IIR</b><br> Sponsor: <b>BusinessBase</b><br> Speaker: <b>Raimon den Boef</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br> Description session:<br> <br> <b>During this session we will take a deep dive on the use of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing. </b> <br><br> This session will be about the customer case of <b>IIR</b>, an institute for trainings and conferences. During the past year, IIR has been migrated to <b>Microsoft Dynamics 365 </b>for Marketing. A big part of this migration was the switch from ClickDimensions to a fully integrated Marketing Automation in <b>Microsoft Dynamics 365</b>. During this session, <b>Raimon den Boef</b> will tell everything about this journey of <b>IIR </b>in which he was closely involved. Raimon is now working at Nyenrode Business Universiteit where this migration is also in full swing. <br><br> The following questions will be answered during this session: <ul style="list-style-type: square; margin-left: 50px; padding-bottom: 10px;"> <li>How did the selection process lead to the choice of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing? <br></li> <li>How long did the migration from ClickDimensions to MS Dynamics 365 for Marketing take? <br></li> <li>What is the added value IIR has discovered for its IT organization to both internal and external customers? <br></li> <li>What are the main shortcomings that IIR has encountered? <br></li> <li>What impact did the migration have on the organization? <br></li> <li>How is the migration going at Nyenrode Business Universiteit? </li> </ul> <p style="margin-left: 30px;">In addition to this session, BusinessBase will share its expertise in the field of Marketing Automation. We will also discuss matters such as architecture and possible links with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing. <p><br>16:15 - 17:00
The path to an experience-driven businessCustomer Case: <b>Adobe </b><br> Speaker: <b>Sanne Erven</b><br> Session type: <b>Roundtable</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> The path to an experience-driven business: Capabilities that enable organisations to optimise the value of their customer interactions. <b>Adobe’s </b>Digital Experience Assessments have helped hundreds of businesses evaluate their current-state digital capabilities, identify their main barriers to success and prioritise next steps to become an experience-driven business. In this session, experts will provide an account of the most typical challenges and share solutions that have enabled organisations to build a path to become more customer- and experience-centric.12:30 - 13:15
Bringing CX theory to life | A customer storyCustomer Case: <b>Full Force Digital </b><br> Sponsor: <b>Adobe</b> <br> Speaker: <b>Rens Pels & Rob In der Maur</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> <b>Rens Pels</b> from <b>Full Force Digital</b> and <b>Rob In der Maur</b> from <b>Adobe</b> Benelux will use a customer case from a well-known FMCG player to explain how you can optimize customer engagement by using data and content correctly. After the session you have insight into how you can create personalized experiences in real time. <br><br> Personalized customer experience is decisive for companies. There is a worldwide awareness that customer-oriented entrepreneurship is now really necessary. Approximately 60 percent of marketing managers indicate that the business model used is under critical or significant pressure to adjust to changing market conditions. To organize a successful customer experience, we increasingly think from customer journeys and involve the customer more and more in improving our services. We are particularly concerned with "experience thinking", but how are we going to actually turn this into "experience making"? That question is explained during this session.13:45 - 14:30
The path to an experience-driven businessCustomer Case: <b>Essent, E.ON Group</b><br> Sponsor: <b>Adobe</b><br> Speaker: <b>Maarten Wesdorp</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> During this session Maarten will share the story of Essent - one of the E.ON subsidiaries. He explains how the implementation of Marketo (by Adobe) marketing automation has also led to the insight that providing the best customer experience is necessary in order to remain number 1 in the energy market. From just a b2b implementation to customer experience management with Marketo Engagement Platform, Maarten will share practical examples of use-cases that contributes to the results today.15:00 - 15:45
Data driven University | Customer case Hogeschool WindesheimCase: <b>Windesheim</b><br> Speakers: <b>Jeroen Jonkman & André van der Wijk</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> What does the path towards a data-driven college or university look like? During this session <b>Jeroen Jonkman</b> (product owner) and <b>André van der Wijk</b> (MS Dynamics Specialist) will share the case of <b>Hogeschool Windesheim.</b> <br><br> Topics that will be covered in this session are: <ul style="list-style-type: square; margin-left: 50px; padding-bottom: 10px;"> <li>Developing a strategy based on collected data within the institution. </li> <li>Phasing of the steps: Where and how do you start? What is the ultimate long-term goal? </li> <li>Which tools can you use? </li> <li>Example case Windesheim </li> <li>Relationship management / Campaign automation </li> <li>Connections with other systems </li> <li>What are technical and organizational challenges that you might encounter? </li>12:30 - 13:15
AVG in Educatie: the Carrot and the StickCase: <b>Rijksuniversiteit Groningen & Radbout Universiteit Nijmegen</b><br> Speaker: <b>Simon Thunnissen & Jorg Geurts</b> <br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b><br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> How can AVG help your organization to become more efficient? Does your organization use AVG as a stick to let your colleagues work according to fixed procedures in CRM (D365)? <br><br> Or does your organization see AVG as a Carrot which enables the optimization of processes and increase adoption? This workshop will be about many dilemmas AVG has led to. <br><br> That is why the central question is: How do we deal with these dilemmas? What current dilemmas do you encounter? Has AVG made your process around the exchange of internships easier or more difficult?13:45 - 14:30
Future Ready Now in higher education - Pushing boundaries in a changing playing fieldCase: <b>Hanzehogeschool Groningen & Hogeschool Windesheim</b><br> Sponsor: <b>BusinessBase</b><br> Speakers: <b>Max Schoenmaker & André van der Wijk & Maaike Schuurhof</b><br> Session type: <b>Presentatie</b> <br> Language: <b>Dutch</b><br><br> Description session:<br> You will never finish learning. Lifelong Development. Flexibilisation in education. The playing field is changing. From a diploma factory to a full-fledged player in the region, but also working nationally, European and internationally with strategic partners. Because of the ambitions that colleges have, and the shrinkage in the region, your "seats" are simply not filled anymore. <br><br> Most educational institutions will recognize these topics. Information systems contribute to this transition. They may even be preconditions for such a transition, but what do you invest in? Never before there has been a need for it, the focus was mainly on feeling, experience and emotion. Now the right choices have to be made. That’s’ where you need to have the insights. More data-driven (managing) is unavoidable. <br><br> As an educational institution, how do you ensure that these information systems are properly set up and that work processes are supported? During this session a broad CRM project is presented with various objectives: Process support for training and development of Professionals, Dashboards on intake, process support for Public Affairs and the basis of the management organization and the system needs to be in place. <br><br> During this session you will hear from Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen how they are working on this transition in relation to the underlying business processes and systems. Max Schoenmaker, Advisor & Product Owner CRM from Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen will share his experiences and plans. In the current process to get the students to the right place (in front of the gate), Hanze works together with Microsoft Dynamics partner BusinessBase. Hanze is setting up marketing together with BusinessBase Dynamics 365. During the Q&A the Marketing and Education experts of Dynamics will answer questions from the audience.15:00 - 15:45
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